Sunday, October 24, 2010


The most recent assignment was initially a difficult task. I found harboring enough focus to observe the complete contour was daunting at times. The form required a state of meditation that came and went with the studio distractions. After spending in-class time reworking the line variation and tone, the shell carried more vitality. This preliminary drawing gave me great insight into the technique I will use for the next.


  1. i really like your contour lines paired with you nice use of line weight keep up the nice shell drawings.

  2. Your shell is extremely intimidating to draw in my eyes, it's unique shape and the fact that it's SO small, I would be kind of intimidated. The cross contours look really well drawn, I think it looks 3d and just really well overall. The only criticism I would give you is that it might be an idea to add more contours going in the other direction because the few you have really stick out as lines and if you added more it might make it look more 3d. But I likes it a lot!

  3. I think this shell turned out great, great contour lines and long axis too!

  4. Wow this looks really good! I really like the variety in line thickness and how you created space and depth. It looks like you paid careful attention to the shell and followed it's contours... this has a lot of movement!

  5. this is my favorite shell of the year out of anyone, you captured every little detail and bump, it looks very three dimensional the atmospheric perspective is working very well, its clean, overall just very well done.
